Saturday, October 17, 2009

Complete Guide For Your Teeth Relief

Common dental causes of toothache include dental cavities, dental abscess, gum disease, irritation of the tooth root, cracked tooth syndrome, temporomandibular disease, impaction, and eruption.

The most common cause of a toothache is a dental cavity. Dental cavities (caries) are holes in the two outer layers of a tooth called the enamel and the dentin.

The enamel is the outermost white hard surface and the dentin is the yellow layer just beneath the enamel.

Both layers serve to protect the inner living tooth tissue called the pulp, where blood vessels and nerves reside. Certain bacteria in the mouth convert simple sugars into acid. The acid softens and (along with saliva) dissolves the enamel and dentin, creating cavities. Small shallow cavities may not cause pain and may be unnoticed by the patient.

The larger deeper cavities can collect food debris. The inner living pulp of the affected tooth can become irritated by bacterial toxins or by foods that are cold, hot, sour, or sweet-causing toothache. Toothache from these larger cavities is the most common reason for visits to dentists.

If you visit a dentist, treatment of a small and shallow cavity usually involves a dental filling. Treatment of a larger cavity involves an onlay or crown.

Treatment of a cavity that has penetrated and injured the pulp requires either a root canal procedure or extraction of the affected tooth. Injury to the pulp can lead to death of pulp tissue, resulting in tooth infection (dental abscess).

The treatment of an infected tooth is either removal of the tooth or a root canal procedure. The root canal procedure involves removing the dying pulp tissue (thus avoiding or removing tooth infection) and replacing it with an inert material. The procedure is used in an attempt to save the dying tooth from extraction.

If you have the following situations, you may need Complete Guide For Your Tooth Ache Remedies :

  • If your tooth ache happen in the middle of the night, and it is just impossible to visit your dentist, how would you go through the long, long, painFUL night?
  • Your next dental appointment is one week from now, how would you live with your throbbing tooth ache for the next 7 days, which equivalent to 168 hours OR 10,080 minutes, and imagine the pain was throbbing your nerves in your gum every single minute...?
  • Due to the overpriced dental dental care charges in the country, you just can't afford the professional treatment at the moment, but are you going to deprive yourself from other EFFECTIVE TOOTH ACHE CURE?
  • You have some traumatic experiences with the previous dentists, there is just NO WAY for your loved one(s) to drag you to any dentist clinic now.
  • You visit a dentist before, but you still have swelling teeth OR tooth ache even after the treatment.
  • None of the above, but you are suffering from the damned tooth ache...

Click Here For Complete Guide For Your Teeth Relief

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